47/49 Armenian Street

Singapore 179937

+65 6440 0449

Call for reservations

More than 15 years of History

The company started as a sole-proprietorship by Benjamin Seck. Benjamin (better known as ‘Ben') has specialised in all things Peranakan for more than fifteen years. Saint Francis Enterprise sold sarong kebaya, beaded shoes, fine antique Peranakan jewellery, antique porcelain, Peranakan pastries and spices. Ben is looked upon as an expert by a number of Peranakan ladies who would seek his advice and choice for Peranakan clothes and jewellery.

An extensive archive of artefacts

Benjamin is an avid collector of Peranakan stuff. As he is very interested in his heritage he has, through the years, built a collection of lights and furniture used by Peranakans during the colonial era. Within the premises at 47/49 Armenian Street, he displays photographs of Peranakan lifestyles for the last 100 years through his collection of old photographs from his family members and close friends.

Ben's beginnings as a florist

Ben started his career as a florist. He has personally made beautiful bouquets and floral arrangements for his close friends and customers when they order for from Saint Francis Enterprise for special occasions. His shop is beautifully decorated with flowers and he loves orchids. An expert in ‘bunga rampay’ the sweet smell of shredded pandan leaves and flower petals will uplift you.

Building a Business

Saint Francis Enterprise became a private limited company in 2003 at 117 East Coast Road when Ben decided to open a Peranakan Restaurant. It is now the holding company for True Blue Cuisine, True Blue Shoppe, True Blue Pantry and Peranakan Siblings. Saint Francis Enterprise Pte Ltd moved to 47/49 Armenian Street in January 2008. It still tailors beautiful hand-embroidered kebayas and embroidered shirts for men. These can be made-to-measure on the upper level of 47 Armenian Street.

Our Chefs

Baba Bejamin Seck

Founder & Head Chef

Nyonya Daisy Seah

Mother of Benjamin Seck

Nyonya Irene Ong

Peranakan Pastry Chef